31 December, 2006

Strike Freedom: Dragoon 1

No version of the Strike Freedom (including the MG) plastic model has a frame inside of the Dragoon (funnels), so here's a shot at creating one. The reason is that I would like the metal inside of that to "shine" as well.

Strike Freedom gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum


Strike Freedom: Legs 2

WHEW! Finally getting them legs!! Whoop, new years in ONE HOUR!! WEEE!! Gotta GO!

Strike Freedom gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum


30 December, 2006

Strike Freedom: Legs 1

A lot of the legs are getting done. With the need to have the frame "shine through" the cracks, the frame is more necessary than ever.

Strike Freedom gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum


29 December, 2006

Strike Freedom: Arms

Cripes! The arms on the Strike Freedom are fairly boring, even on the MG model so I added an intake above the shoulder verniers and sectioned off the lower arm so that the frame is more viewable. It's somewhat similar to what an artist did in an issue of Dengeki Hobby magazine.

Strike Freedom gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum


Strike Freedom: Waist 2

Somehow needs more detail in the frame for the waist and the rear booster, but pushing along.

Strike Freedom gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum


26 December, 2006

Strike Freedom: Waist 1

Simple start on the waist/skirt section.

Strike Freedom gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum


25 December, 2006

Strike Freedom: Body 3 BST

The rear boosters that also act as the base for the wings. Much larger than the original Freedom's.

Strike Freedom gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum

Strike Freedom gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum


23 December, 2006

Strike Freedom: Body 2

Adding frame stuffs.

Strike Freedom gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum


Strike Freedom: Body 1

Starting the body section. The "frame" in the MG version is a much softer plastic than in the original Freedom MG. Very strange. I may diverge here from the MG a bit.

Strike Freedom gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum


Strike Freedom: Head 2

Moving along with the head. Seems to look a lot like Freedom's head at this point. Have to keep working out a few kinks on it as usual.

Strike Freedom gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum


22 December, 2006

Strike Freedom

Strike Freedom gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum

So now comes the Strike Freedom. I'm not 100% satisified with the way the plastic model artist (Beecraft) conceived the design for this machine so I'm going to end up changing the style a little and swivel it toward Katoki Hajime's style (mostly for the wings) while keeping the proportions of the MG for most of it. The above left is the 1/60 design of the model while the right (behind) is the Master Grade version of the machine, designed by Beecraft again. Somehow I'm looking for something in between, but I'll see how it progresses from here on...

Strike Freedom gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum


19 December, 2006

Sky Grasper: Yay!

Wanted to use the IWSP on one of these but it turned out to be hulking-ly huge and an eyesore. I tried to get the lighting somewhat similar to the PG box-art where the sun isn't really "there".

sky grasper seed gundam 3d mesh cg sandrum

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17 December, 2006

Sky Grasper: Nose 2

Moving along with the cockpit. Trying to get the innards of that ironed out as well.

Sky Grsper gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum

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16 December, 2006

Sky Grasper: Nose 1

Getting the nose. The body still needs a bit more detail as well.

sky grasper gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum

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Sky Grasper: Body 3

A little more of the body and boosters getting done.

Eternal Ship gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum

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Sky Grasper: Body 2

Trying to get the wing boosters as well.

sky grasper gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum

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14 December, 2006

Sky Grasper

Sky Grasper gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum

So it's time to get to the Sky Grasper. Been wanting to do this one for a while now. At the moment, I'm using the Aile pack I made for the Strike Gundam as a relative reference for the start, which of course is not very amazing at the moment.

Sky Grasper gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum

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11 December, 2006

Eternal: M.E.T.E.O.R.

The side turrets are (of course) supposed to be occupied by the METEOR weapons system, which was actually modelled almost 2 years ago, but will probably be face lifted a bit.

freedom strike eternal meteor gundam 3d mesh cg sandrum

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Eternal: Basic Color

I went through a lot of different "pink" shades before I settled on this one. Need to bump map and I forgot a set of turrets.

Eternal Ship gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum

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10 December, 2006

Eternal: Body 2

Have to smooth out some surfaces a bit more but it's getting there.

Eternal Ship gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum

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08 December, 2006

Eternal: Body 1

Finally have time to sit down with it again...

Eternal Ship gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum

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06 December, 2006


Eternal Ship gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum

So.... Starting the "Eternal" ship used in Gundam Seed/Destiny. A very basic start...

Eternal Ship gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum

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01 December, 2006

GP01: Done-ish

I was trying to make some dust effects behind it, but calculating that seems to be too much for my wee machine. I'll have to wait until I can get some more power...

gp01 dendrobium Albion gp02 gundam 3d mesh cg sandrum

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