23 January, 2024

Wing Gundams: 1

Testing out a scene based on existing artwork to see how close we might be able to get to the illustration, in a ver-KA way.
ship seed destiny  gundam mesh cg sandrum murasame

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16 October, 2023

Operation Meteor So far

Looking at getting the wing back up and updated. So far the other 4 are pretty much there in so far as the general geometry and general surface.

ship seed destiny  gundam mesh cg sandrum murasame

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01 December, 2022

Shenlong: Trident

So finally jammed the trident back there, though I'm not sure this is exactly how it's "supposed" to be positioned.
mobile suit gundam  nataku shenlong gundam dragon fang 3d mesh cg sandrum bonds of the battlefield senjo no kizuna


28 November, 2022

Shenlong: Mostly

A bit more on the dragon fang and some texturing stuff is in place. I'll need to probably bump the render settings a bit, but I also forgot to make the beam trident.
mobile suit gundam  nataku shenlong gundam dragon fang 3d mesh cg sandrum bonds of the battlefield senjo no kizuna
mobile suit gundam  nataku shenlong gundam dragon fang 3d mesh cg sandrum bonds of the battlefield senjo no kizuna


22 November, 2022

Shenlong: Shield

I think the details of the shield maybe need to have better pop as some of the lines are blurred or covered by distance. And still the dragon fang needs a bit of tuning.
mobile suit gundam  nataku shenlong gundam dragon fang 3d mesh cg sandrum bonds of the battlefield senjo no kizuna


20 November, 2022

Shenlong: Dragon Fang 2

So instead of having the claw fold backward, it keeps the forward slant but uses the Altron Custom leash instead of either of the original Shenlong/altron extended arms. Not sure how I feel about how it turned out yet. Maybe sub the chain bits with "arm" bits.
mobile suit gundam  nataku shenlong gundam dragon fang 3d mesh cg sandrum bonds of the battlefield senjo no kizuna

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Shenlong: Dragon Fang 'Custom'

I'm torn: I absolutely love the Katoki Hajime asthetic of the Shenlong/Altron, the lack of reach on the Shenlong concept kills the reach of the ms in general. I feel like if this was the retconn, then a lot of the capability in the original animation just wouldn't be possible. So I'm looking at adding similar reach to the dragon fang by adding the length of the head similar to the Altron. This is because while the original Shenlong has a long right arm folded under the shoulder guard, I feel like the Katoki asthetic may be too violated by reverting to that. We'll see.
mobile suit gundam  nataku shenlong gundam dragon fang 3d mesh cg sandrum bonds of the battlefield senjo no kizuna

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11 November, 2022

Shenlong: Legs

Feels a bit off, but still working on some of the details for the legs. Feeling like I should update the old wing model for this.
mobile suit report gundam wing aries tallgeese leo aries shenlong katoki


30 October, 2022

Shenlong: Arms

I feel like Katoki can be really no-nonsense when it comes to arm design in general. I feel like there's a lot of similarity to the Unicorn in these ones. But I suppose "an arm is an arm" as well.
mobile suit report gundam wing aries tallgeese leo aries shenlong katoki


17 October, 2022

Shenlong: Arms 1

Shoulder join guards are generally there. I've forgotten how tricky these curvy hard surface modeling objects can be.
mobile suit report gundam wing aries tallgeese leo aries shenlong katoki


15 October, 2022

Shenlong: Waist

Mostly have the waist in but realized I've forgotten to finish the bits of the chest that I wanted to detail.
mobile suit report gundam wing aries tallgeese leo aries shenlong katoki


07 October, 2022

Shenlong: Body 2

Still needs more detail, but it's coming kinda together. Some smoothing issues as well.
mobile suit report gundam wing aries tallgeese leo aries shenlong katoki


05 October, 2022

Shenlong: Body 1

I haven't visited a Wing based torso in a while but they mostly seem similar (wing / shenlong). Want to see what happens when adding some extra geometry to beef it up.
mobile suit report gundam wing aries tallgeese leo aries shenlong katoki


26 September, 2022

Shenlong: Head

Mostly still the Katoki version in progress. Some bits added just for more dragon. Maybe add scales? Probably too far though.
mobile suit report gundam wing aries tallgeese leo aries shenlong katoki


23 September, 2022

Shenlong (Katoki ver): Head 1

mobile suit report gundam wing aries tallgeese leo aries shenlong katoki
Figured the Aries needs something else to go against. Already have 3 antagonist MS for Wing, may as well add some protagonists. I feel like there are a ton of great looking Shenlong's in 3d so I'll throw my hat in as well. Quick start of the head.
mobile suit report gundam wing aries tallgeese leo aries shenlong katoki

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