28 October, 2020

Takemikazuchi - For now

I think I've looked at this one long enough. I'll make the crew that I really wanted and come back to this one for sure -- it took me this long to put together.

murasame takemikazuchi ship seed destiny m1 astray 3d gundam mesh cg sandrum sea ocean aegis kuraomikami class

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25 October, 2020

Takemikazuchi: Getting there!

Still on it! I'm also adamant on getting a crew together for at least the flight deck. Futher, I'm not solid on the water physics, so there's still that. Actually, there's a lot left to work on.
mobile suit gundam seed destiny takemikazuchi ship orb union 3d mesh cg sandrum

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14 October, 2020

Even more!

Need more ships! Started on another one in the escort for the Takemikazuchi. This is similar to the ship on the sword impulse MG box art. Working on the details after the initial basic effort.
mobile suit gundam ship aegis class john paul jones 3d mesh cg sandrum

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09 October, 2020

Takemikazuchi: side ships

Trying to make even more boats, would be great to have a decent scene. On the bright side, I'm remember more on modelling, on the down side, I'm feeling the need for more workstations.
mobile suit gundam seed  custom  3d mesh cg sandrum takemikazuchi destiny

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28 September, 2020

Still on it...

Still working on the water and adding more ships. Conveniently running out of memory a great deal so I'm probably going to have to bump that up in the near future. The astrays - the dumbed down version of the red frame created earlier as well as the flight unit, need shields and guns and the ship itself could use more detail -- and maybe roll back the fog a bit.
mobile suit gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum takemikazuchi

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25 June, 2020

Takemikazuchi Test

Trying to get used to this fancy-pants node system and all of the new stuff that seems to have come out for both Blender and Lightwave.
mobile suit gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum takemikazuchi

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Takemikazuchi Update

I've forgotten a lot about how to go about modeling, my shortcuts I have to relearn, and some of my older plugins don't seem to exist (or they've moved/changed names). To try to recall all of this again, I've gone back to simpler bits in terms of shapes and reworked the takemikazuchi model I was hoping to finish. I've never seen an exact set of prints for this one so it's still on-the-fly with some reference from relatively modern carriers.
mobile suit gundam seed 3d mesh cg sandrum takemikazuchi

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05 January, 2010

Takemikazuchi: Flight Deck 3

Going back through some hypervoxel effects with some other models, but after getting finished with the Nahel Argama, I felt as though I had abandoned the Takemikazuchi. I opted to restart and redid a lot of that flight deck from before. Unfortunately there still isn't much to see, but I'd like to actually get through this one as I have no vessels specifically for the sea, matey...harrrr!

mobile suit gundam seed destiny takemikazuchi 3d mesh cg sandrum


06 April, 2008

Takemikazuchi: Flight Deck 2

Continuing with the flight deck and starting some of the hangar deck. Detailed the bridge a bit as well.

mobile suit gundam seed destiny takemikazuchi 3d mesh cg sandrum


05 April, 2008

Takemikazuchi: Flight Deck 1

Not much to see from far away, but working on the forward flight deck so that it looks a bit more usable. Put in the old linear catapult for the murasame mobile suits.

mobile suit gundam seed destiny takemikazuchi 3d mesh cg sandrum


03 April, 2008


mobile suit gundam seed destiny  3d mesh cg sandrum

Was going to try to make this a few years back but never got around to it. Now that the internet hasn't arrived at my new place yet, I've decided to sit down and try it out. So...the standard start. Will probably end up being "custom" looking as I'll try to incorporate things that actual aircraft carriers have. Well, some of them.

mobile suit gundam seed destiny  3d mesh cg sandrum

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