The Anaheim Machines Project is an effort to reproduce
in 3D various parts of
the Gundam multiverse. The primary
of this web log is to outline the progress of the project. The 3D software
used for the creation of the meshes will be
Lightwave 3D (version 8.5 - 2019). Secondary
software (Photoshop, etc) may be used as needed.
This looks unbelievably amazing... just like your other models.
Anonymous said ... (May 28, 2011, 1:23:00 PM)
OMG SOOO NICE Have you thought about making them for a game called galactic civilizations 2? Id kill to add them to my fleet. The MS would be sweet too.
Comments on "Eternal: Basic Color"
This looks unbelievably amazing... just like your other models.
Have you thought about making them for a game called galactic civilizations 2? Id kill to add them to my fleet. The MS would be sweet too.