30 January, 2006

Zeta Gundam: Arms 2

Finally got a render. Been a week.... hope I'm not getting too rusty. Almost done with these.
zeta gundam 3d mesh sandrum


29 January, 2006

Zeta Gundam: Arms 1

After some computer problems (my CPU was frequently hitting 94Deg C even though there weren't any processing pushing the cpu time up), I'm back on course. Started the arms...


22 January, 2006

Zeta Gundam: Body 2

I'm close to done with Zeta Gundam body. I forgot the lump that goes on the cockpit hatch and it needs a little bit more in the way of mechanics on the inside so that the lower body will rotate up and into the chest, but otherwise, it's not too bad. I thought the Hazel Gundam poly count was fairly high with all of the options, but all of the moving parts in this gundam seem to be jacking the polygon count up quite a bit.
zeta gundam 3d mesh sandrum


21 January, 2006

Zeta Gundam: Body 1

Back to Zeta Gundam. I'm afraid the body of this particular gundam isn't as straight-forward as so many others, so it's taking me somewhat longer to get things together on it. So many different artists and sculpturers have their takes on this model that it's hard to figure out which one's I should take extra detail from to add to this 3d model. I've setteled on a few. I figured that since the Hazel Gundam was detailed up, I should try the same with this one...
zeta gundam 3d mesh sandrum


18 January, 2006

HAZEL-RAH Form 2.5 + Gaplant

YESSSS!! I'm done. I HAVE to move on to Zeta or I'm going to fall behind again. But man I have to get this into a scene asap with Zeta. :)

Before I forget, a big thanks to the Titans Test Team Arc forum for providing me all of the background information for this Mobile Suit, especially ninjascience for all of the images that I didn't have to research for myself. 2 great resources for Advance of Z information. Without them, I'd have had to break open the manga and struggle through the Japanese for myself. Thanks guys!
CG hazel rah gaplant hrududu gundam 3d mesh sandrum

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Hazel Gundam: Gaplant Booster Beta

Testing the Gaplant booster with the Hazel. I thought that I was modelling the booster upside down and that the hazel used it the other way. But I was off, definately the opposite. The gaplant and hazel both use it the same way. Anyway, a test render of the gaplant booster attached incorrectly :p and the Hazel-Rah. I think that even though the MS doesn't have the "Advance" visor and foot lift attachments, it may still be called the Rah 2nd form. Two wing boosters mounted on the back. Two claw boosters on the side skirts, thereby replacing the ammunition that it carried before. A fin on the front and back mounted on the waist and Hrududu body respectively, and then the Gaplant booster mounted on the Hrududu body. Too lengthy a post, me thinks.
hazel gundam hrududu 3d mesh sandrum

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16 January, 2006

Hazel Gundam: Gaplant Booster 1

I tried the 2nd form, but the renders just don't seem to capture what I'm looking for yet. So I'm moving on to the Gaplant booster for the Hazel-Rah. Looks cool in the magazine so... the start!
gaplant hazel gundam hrududu 3d mesh sandrum

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15 January, 2006


..is done. I'll see now if I can get the 2nd form.
hazel rah hrududu gundam 3d mesh sandrum

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14 January, 2006

Hazel Gundam: Hrududu Parts 5

BUILT!!! I ended up using most of the tail fin as a sensor strip. But now it's in COLOR!! SWEET!!
hazel rah hrududu gundam 3d mesh sandrum

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Hazel Gundam: Hrududu Parts 4

The body that holds the boosters and the fin thingie. I'm adding in detail to fill in a lot of empty space that the plastic parts leave behind. Still not close to what the illustrations show but it's sort of an attempt to make it look "busy". Ah working with polygons is so nice and clean. :)
hazel gundam hrududu 3d mesh sandrum


12 January, 2006

Hazel Gundam: Hrududu Parts 3

I think I'm getting closer... but still so far. I'd probably end up overhauling the claw to get it to look like the illustration. It least it's "operational".
hazel gundam hrududu 3d mesh sandrum


11 January, 2006

Gundam Hazel: Hrududu Parts 2

Started the second booster. The interesting part about this one is that it seems to have a secondary function of acting as a grappler for various gun/cannon parts of the Hrududu unit. The problem is, the illustrations show that this grappler is capable of extending away from the booster unit to perform the grappling task, but the plastic parts don't allow this. Not only that, the plastic Gparts' detail and the illustrations don't match up in a lot of places. Anyway, I'm making cuts and experimenting with getting the grappling side to do more than what the plastic allows.
hazel gundam hrududu 3d mesh sandrum


10 January, 2006

Hazel Gundam: Hrududu Parts 1

FINALLY!!! Started the Hrududu parts for the Hazel. Just wanted to put out a test render to see if it's going ok. Aside from the divider fin being too thick (I set the mirror distance a little too far), it's not bad. Still need to detail it. I can't believe the options this gives the Hazel Gundam. Great stuff.
hazel gundam hrududu 3d mesh sandrum


09 January, 2006

Colony 1

Trying my hand at making a colony like the ones shown in the UC gundam series. Since they're based mainly on the O'neill Island 3 concept, that's what I'm going for. First shot at a render.

08 January, 2006

Zeta Gundam: Head 1

Well, getting there with the head. I forgot that this head is a bit more straight edged than most others, so I'll have to fix some parts. But it's gettin there...
zeta gundam 3d mesh sandrum


07 January, 2006

Zeta Gundam

Blast! That magazine still hasn't arrived. Well, I need to pass the time somehow before the sumo tournament starts on tv, so Zeta it is. My girlfriend helped me put together the MG Zeta (ver 1.0) model a long time back and it was great, but when I tried to transform it, I was blown away by how the wing assembly broke apart. I was able to put it back together but I left it in waverider mode because I was too ticked to return it to MS mode,... that and whenever it WAS in MS mode, the wings in the back would sag. I hope the Ver 2.0 fixes this. But because of the mess up (and a few other parts that fell off since) I've decided that taking the zeta apart and modelling it would be ok. It was pretty cheap to buy anyway and though I really liked the waverider mode.

Ok, so the start of the head!


06 January, 2006

Hazel Gundam: Color Full

Now the logos are in place for the Hazel Gundam. I think a few may be off scale a bit, but it shouldn't be a problem. I'm still waiting for the G-parts to come in so that I can upgrade this thing. Maybe tomorrow I can get to work on the sub-arm units or something.
cg hazel gundam 3d mesh sandrum

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05 January, 2006

Hazel Gundam: Color Test

Slapped on some color and some lighting to check it. It's on the right track for sure. Need to work on the lighting a bit though, as the color contrast seems too great. I'll need to make an alternate TTT set of colors as well. Once I get this straight it's on to some logos, baby!
hazel gundam hrududu 3d mesh sandrum

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04 January, 2006

Hazel Gundam: Gun 1

Gun is mostly done.
hazel gundam hrududu 3d mesh sandrum


Hazel Gundam: Head Level Up

The hazel's head on the HG model is missing a little detail, so i added a little bit in the 3d model. It should look nicer when the bump maps are in place and it's textured. I removed the nods at the end of the V fin. I had forgotten that Bandai puts those on the HG models they make. For what purpose is beyond me.
hazel gundam hrududu 3d mesh sandrum


03 January, 2006

Hazel Gundam: Booster Shield

Screwing around with the booster shield. The shield that came with the HG hazel is off quite a bit from the AOZ illustrations in the Dengeki Hobby magazine, so I experimented with adding intake vents on the side of the shield. It's still not quite right, so of course, it's not done yet (ignore the giant knots on the sides of the shield). I'm gonna try to get this done by friday or saturday so that I can start on Zeta Gundam. Then again, I still need to pick up some additional material to make other modifications to this model.
hazel gundam hrududu 3d mesh sandrum


02 January, 2006

Hazel Gundam: Legs

Most of the legs here. All that I needed to change (seemingly) was to remove the calf and upper shin area of the Quel leg and basically replace it with this booster system. Wasn't all that bad. Finally, I took the foot from the Quel and reshaped it a bit to make it somewhat flat-ish. Forgot a couple of minor details but...
hazel gundam hrududu 3d mesh sandrum


01 January, 2006

Hazel Gundam: Backpack

It's just coming along now. I'm aiming to finish the legs today.
hazel gundam hrududu 3d mesh sandrum


Hazel Gundam: Waist 1

There seems to be little in the way of roundish contours on this machine. Very strange, as the Quel was full of round goodness. Anyway, the waist is almost done.
hazel gundam hrududu 3d mesh sandrum


Hazel Gundam: Body

Just moving right along. I'm so glad that I used the quel. This makes the upgrade so much easier. Head and body are pretty close to 100%, minus bump maps and what not. I'm not sure if I want to resize the sensor on the chest to the wee Hazel size or leave it the size it is on the MG quel. I'll think about it for a bit.
hazel gundam hrududu 3d mesh sandrum
