30 January, 2008

Nemo: Body 1

Just too tired to keep on with the Unicorn today. So back to the old under appreciated Nemo. I probably should just use this as the "lazy" mobile suit for those days when I just couldn't be bothered to make something complicated. ;) Sooooooooooo .... super early start on the body -- but going to bed anyway.

mobile suit gundam zeta advance of Nemo 3d mesh cg sandrum


Unicorn Gundam: Body 2

Not even close to done. I haven't finished the inner parts of the body yet and only the head and neck portion are rigged. The rest is just "sitting there". Hard to find time to delve into it nowadays.

mobile suit gundam Unicorn Destroy mode 3d mesh cg sandrum


27 January, 2008

Unicorn Gundam: Body 1

I'm not surprised that the body is difficult -- it's actually kind of fun on the Unicorn. So many nooks and crannies. Weee! Anywho, started!

mobile suit gundam Unicorn Destroy mode 3d mesh cg sandrum


26 January, 2008

Unicorn Gundam: Head 2

Alright, so the head is rigged enough. I stepped away from what seems to be "flip-top"-ish design in the transformation and went straight for the face sliding out and the face mask sliding back. Not too bad -- somewhat close to done.

mobile suit gundam Unicorn Destroy mode 3d mesh cg sandrum


25 January, 2008

Unicorn Gundam

mobile suit gundam Unicorn Destroy mode 3d mesh cg sandrum

A bit late. I wanted to start on this one sooner, but vacation and a bunch of other things got in the way. Then again, my mind tends to wander to other things constantly...

Planning on having this one be able to transform when rigged properly. Hope it works out. Of course, what would the point of building this be if it didn't transform?

mobile suit gundam Unicorn Destroy mode 3d mesh cg sandrum


23 January, 2008

Apsalus: Stage 2

It's kind-of-sort-of getting there. At least the shape is semi-recognizable. As per usual, I'll worry about the scale ratio's of the parts toward the end when the parts are generally built to look ok within themselves.

mobile suit gundam mobile armor apsalus I II III 3d mesh cg sandrum


12 January, 2008

Apsalus: Stage 1

Just starting the body after using the zaku head as a jump off point. Not much to look at in the least. I'm fairly sure that the scale isn't quite correct but I'm also certain that by the end it should be correctly scaled so that now I shouldn't have to worry about it much at the moment.

--going to Okinawa for a week or so. No updates till then.

mobile suit gundam mobile armor apsalus I II III 3d mesh cg sandrum


10 January, 2008

F91: Next Step

Been working on the F91 surfaces for a while and finally got to this point. Still needs more.

mobile suit f91 harrison gundam 3d mesh cg sandrum


06 January, 2008


mobile suit gundam mobile armor Apsalus I II III 3d mesh cg sandrum

It's a pretty cheap shot. I'd like to get the mobile suit known as Kshatriya from the Unicorn Gundam series at some point and I figure this might be a good shot at practice. Besides, I don't have much in the way of Zeonic/Spacenoid mobile armor or mobile suits at the moment.

Modding the Zaku II F2 to get it. Not much to do to the head. Really, I'm just improving on the head frame. I'm guessin that this might end up taking me a lot of time in the long run.

mobile suit gundam mobile armor Apsalus I II III 3d mesh cg sandrum


04 January, 2008

Legend Gundam: Test 2

Just screwing around. I might swing the camera around and get Destiny a bit later on.
Legend Destiny Gundam 3d gundam mesh cg sandrum

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02 January, 2008

Legend: Test run

Still working hard on it...

mobile suit legend gundam seed destiny 3d mesh cg sandrum


01 January, 2008

Legend: Beam Rifle

A rather snazzy looking beam rifle if I do say so myself. A nice departure I think from the standard, tried-and-true styles that I usually see.

mobile suit legend gundam seed destiny 3d mesh cg sandrum


Legend: Backpack

Happy New Year! Trudging along with the backpack. Seems a bit bubbly right now, I'll probably have to change the surfacing settings a bit to get rid of that. Only a stone's throw from the finish I guess.

mobile suit legend gundam seed destiny 3d mesh cg sandrum
