GP-02: Leg 1
Going through the motions with the leg. A bit strange shaped, especially on the little figure... Labels: gp02 |
Going through the motions with the leg. A bit strange shaped, especially on the little figure... Labels: gp02 |
Going for the arms. I'll probably wait on the boosters until close to last. Labels: gp02 |
Still moving on. A little quicker than I thought it would take. I'll probably knock out the arms when this gets done, as usual. Labels: gp02 |
It's coming along. Need to straighten the edges a bit and add some more mechanical detail. Keeping that shoulder sensor for now. If I think it's annoying in the future I'll slap it away. Labels: gp02 |
Just barely starting the body and backpack. This week has been pretty busy with marathon and relay race training. Feeling tired. The orange sensor section seems to be in many of the GP-02 body representations, but not the GFF figure, so I'm debating on whether to keep it or not (I don't really like how it looks normally). Labels: gp02 |
I didn't have much time to do anything last week so I just messed around a bit. Going to be a small image because I'll probably stick this in the artbook as well. Edit: sized it up a bit and posted it. Still going to keep it a bit small though. Labels: 3d, Archangel, CG, IWSP, Minerva, render, Rouge, Strike |
The one on the left is the original GP02 by Shoji Kawamori while the right is the slightly restiled machine made for the plastic models by Katoki Hajime. A somewhat differen't version exists for the GFF line of plastic figures and a yet altered version exists for the 1/144 series of plastic models... again by Katoki. So basically I'll be sticking to Katoki's version of this machine. Well, one of them. Again, the almighty head has been started! Labels: gp02 |
Gave it a shot at transforming. Not TOO shabby, but a bit too round. Needs to be a bit more flat vertically speaking and the legs are probably too large now. Ugh. Labels: Asshimar |
but I missed a few details and some vital stuff now that I look at it. Labels: Asshimar |
Well, it's kind of plain. I'll probably add a bit more detail to make it jump out a bit more. Labels: Asshimar |
The final part of the "saucer" section of the transformable suit is the backpack thing. I'm kind of hoping that this whole thing fits together when it transforms. Labels: Asshimar |
A bit tricky balancing the leg size to the size of the body, especially with the designers' differing applications of the leg and transformation system. Labels: Asshimar |
Trying to knock out those legs. Varying the style between Kenki's and Okawara's design, but leaning on Okawara's as most of the machine already looks like it. Labels: Asshimar |