Impulse Gundam V2: Chest 2
My wife and I are doing some cardio and abs to help out my actual stomach and get in better shape for the upcoming marathon. Training for that is cutting even more into gundam meshing... but anyway. So the chest is coming along, but I still haven't hit some of the stuff I left on the Head. Labels: Impulse ver2 |
Comments on "Impulse Gundam V2: Chest 2"
It's looking good, much better than your previous Impulse. It's more lean and thin.
Some constructive critiscm, I think the chest vulcans are a bit too big, they could do with being a bit more unobtrousive.
But on the whole its as brilliant as all your work
Hey, Ivan. I haven't been around for a while. I didn't think that the Impulse you made before was broken. But who am I to crit your style, right? Keep it up. It looks great already.