30 November, 2009

GP-04 Gundam Gerbera: Body

The body of the Gerbera at present is made up of parts from various mobile suits I've previously made, and then each part modified and fitted to look more like the GP-04. In particular I used the Gundam ver KA mesh as a jump off point for the torso armor, while the Gundam MKII was used to modify the front section of said armor. The innards are mostly modified MKII frame parts, with the rear part of the body frame similar to Katoki's version of the Gerbera in his FIX FIGURATION line. Because of the MKII's involvement, I decided to make the stomach and chest sections independently movable.

mobile suit gp04 blossom physalis zepheranthes gerbera tetra gp01 gp01fb gp02 gp03 gp04 dendrobium stamen orchis mobile weapons platform 3d mesh cg sandrum


Comments on "GP-04 Gundam Gerbera: Body"


Blogger Apt-1B said ... (Nov 30, 2009, 8:01:00 AM) : 

I'm very excited for this project, the GPO4 is one of my most favorite MS, and so far things look like they're off to a great start!


Blogger Unknown said ... (Nov 30, 2009, 11:51:00 PM) : 

Can't wait for this one! I absolutely LOVE GP04. Looking forward to updates in the future :D


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