26 August, 2023

Sandrock: Shotel

The shotels aren't sharp enough and the textures still aren't as I was hoping. Sill working on the last bits.
mobile suit report gundam wing aries tallgeese leo sandrock kai custom katoki virgo 3d


19 August, 2023

Sandrock: Shield

May have to make some changes. This shield is probably the hardest I remember trying to make.
mobile suit report gundam wing aries tallgeese leo sandrock kai custom katoki virgo 3d


17 August, 2023

Sandrock: Armament: 3

The shield Katoki envisioned is more detailed than I thought. Having a bit of trouble reproducing some of what I see. Still working on it.
mobile suit report gundam wing aries tallgeese leo sandrock kai custom katoki virgo 3d


13 August, 2023

Sandrock: Armament 2

Checked dalong.net to see how the swords are supposed to be docked. Looking at it now, the handle is a bit nubbly and some region specific detail would probably serve this well. I'll experiment on some ideas for this.
mobile suit report gundam wing aries tallgeese leo sandrock kai custom katoki virgo 3d


12 August, 2023

Sandrock: Armament 1

I need to read up on the name of this sword type in the show, but whatever that name is -- that's what I'm working on.
mobile suit report gundam wing aries tallgeese leo sandrock kai custom katoki virgo 3d


10 August, 2023

Sandrock: Legs

I'm feeling super tired as of late. Trudging along with the legs still, but hopefully will finish in a bit. Too many thin pieces left to thicken up and the frame isn't there yet.
mobile suit report gundam wing aries tallgeese leo sandrock kai custom katoki virgo 3d
