22 February, 2023
16 February, 2023
14 February, 2023
Vayeate: Backpack 2
Still some backpack bits I forgot until now so I'll get back to that. Also the rail that connects to the weapons arm in the back of the chest isn't there yet. The cannon is mostly ok.
Labels: vayeate |
12 February, 2023
Vayeate: Generator
Backpack is coming along and it seems mostly ok, but I wanted to make sure it didn't look all cheesy the way the Asshimar's MS version appears: like a cheese block. So trying to iron out some actual edges.
Labels: vayeate |
04 February, 2023
Mercurius: Armament
I've at least managed to get the basics of the legs and armament in place. But the original designs look so generic that probably adding some detail is in order. The beam gun is a stripped down ore-gun weapon while the shield is an in-place shield gun from the Leo.
Labels: mercurius |