31 December, 2011

Gundam 00 Raiser: Raiser 1

Well...wanted to finish the raiser today, but I guess that's a bust. Other things got in the way I suppose. At any rate I'll still get it out of the way soonish

mobile suit gundam 00 double 0 raiser riser 3d mesh cg sandrum


30 December, 2011

Gundam 00 Raiser: Binder 1

Got the alcohol ready for new years, but it's still a day away. I might get most of the modeling done before the clock ticks. The one gundam I would have finished this year. I'll drink to that.

Working on finishing up the binders, but there are some strange anomalies with flipped polies and this'n'that.

mobile suit gundam 00 double 0 raiser riser 3d mesh cg sandrum


28 December, 2011

Gundam 00: Legs

Got some legs up and about, but they need some sharpening and more detail in the joints. Not nearly as complicated as any other Gundam leg I've done so far.

mobile suit gundam 00 double 0 raiser riser 3d mesh cg sandrum

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23 December, 2011

Gundam 00: Arms

Maybe doing or finishing 00 over the holidays. Gotta seize the chance. The arms are almost there, but the plastic model version seems to differ quite a lot from the illustration in the manual, especially the forarms. I'm guessing this is for maneuverability. Anyway, I did some changes and increased the length of the "cuff-link", yadda-yadda.

mobile suit gundam 00 double 0 raiser riser 3d mesh cg sandrum

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18 December, 2011

Gundam 00: Backpack / Solar Furnace

Ok, so I went ahead and got most of the way through the pack and the furnaces. Some extra details I can put on through simple maps or a few extra polys. Not too bad.

mobile suit gundam 00 double 0 raiser riser 3d mesh cg sandrum

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16 December, 2011

Gundam 00: Shoulders

Just going to go ahead and go small parts at a time. Really the amount that I can devote to this is far smaller than it used to be.
At least "something" is up.

mobile suit gundam 00 double 0 raiser riser 3d mesh cg sandrum

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