Epyon: Body 1
I can't believe how hard it is to get back to this even when I can. So many other things to take care of. Anyway the body is under way.
Labels: epyon |
I can't believe how hard it is to get back to this even when I can. So many other things to take care of. Anyway the body is under way.
Labels: epyon |
I've wanted to get to an Epyon for ages and ony now have scrounged enough time to cobble something together. I don't super LOVE this ms, but it was an interesting one in the wing universe and still a gundam, so....
Labels: epyon |
I noticed just now that the wing zero model kits have some variances on the wing arms, but I'm not entirely sure if I want to remodel them or just resurface only.
Labels: wing zero custom |
FIgure that since the wing has been touched up and I've got something for Sandrock, HeavyArms and Altron Customs, may as well get Wing Zero Custom in there too. Starting mostly on the wings but maybe it's not much to do in the long-run.
Labels: wing zero custom |
Checking out the space gun but it may be too large, compared to the Veyeate gun. Mostly it's based on the barrel of the gun but I suppose idealy that the gun has been miniaturized for the serpent at this point in the after colony timeline.
Labels: serpent |
My thought based on what I see online is that the gun is based a lot on the vayeate or virgo cannon so I brought in a lot of those parts to shape the business ends and other parts of the serpent gun. Probably good enough for now.
Labels: serpent |
I have no idea what this weapon is called, but it sure is very large and even now I'm not sure how well scaled it is compared to the serpent. Still have the main ms to fix here though.
Labels: serpent |
Working on texturing and forgot that I imported the texture for heavyarms' dual gatling. Working on the remainder of the textures.
Labels: serpent |
Adding some geometry to some parts and resizing a bit here and there. Labels: serpent |
Pulled in the Heavy Arms Custom (EW) dual gatlins as they look pretty identical. Labels: serpent |
I'm using some basics to see what the general size/shape should be in terms of the finished MS's general size, but given the some images show the suit thinner than others, it's hard to go for one way and feel good about it. Will detail from here on. Labels: serpent |
I remember this mobile suit being the first one I ever tried to build in 3d and was stumped at how to get started. I'm shocked that this MS hasn't been re-issued as at least a high grade plastic model by now though. Labels: serpent |
Wrangling this here body together but the base feels otherwise generic so spicing it up a little. Labels: serpent |
I've not touched anything in months so I'm looking at what I can do to get back into it with small updates with just the Serpent Custom. Labels: serpent |
Not sure if it's Sanq or Cinq "Kingdom", but working on the texturing for that version of the Taurus. I'm not too sure on the parts for transforming, still trying to figure those out. Labels: taurus |
I've started the surfacing for the entire model in geneneral but I think the legs are kinda ok like this. Shrank the mega beam canon to fit as I may have made it too large for the Aries. Labels: taurus |
Still using placeholders here and there to judge proportion when I can, but it's an oddly shaped suit with an odd height/size. I'm not sure what to do with the legs yet. Labels: taurus |
One thing that was hard to tell was whether the head and body were a single unit for the Taurus in the Gundam Wing series. It appears to be the case as every animation I see has the head and body "fused" and incapable of turning independently. It's a little strange now thinking about it, but I guess it's the fuselage of an aircraft in general anyway..so ok. Labels: taurus |
Making small progress a bit at a time. I'm not really sure if there is accuracy here but at least using some placeholder geometry is something. Labels: taurus |
Decided to finally try to make a taurus mobile suit from whatever kit bashings I can do from the other suit. I don't know why there isn't a Taurus model kit but it seems like there should have been one by now. Labels: taurus |
Testing out a scene based on existing artwork to see how close we might be able to get to the illustration, in a ver-KA way.
Labels: deathscythe, heavyarms, sandrock, shenlong, wingUpdate |
I went with the GFF Metal paint scheme for this update, but the textures can be swapped out to the original KA colors if this wears on me. Will finish up the cannon and pull that in. Labels: wingUpdate |
Scratching out some detail in the lower legs and arms and dividing up the frame. Torn between going for what some of the "extreme" kit delivers and the fix figuration metal version, so just getting some ideas from all of them, but probably less of the extreme style. Labels: wingUpdate |
Moving around the old mesh, updating things here and there and realizing how far I skipped around all those years ago in terms of detail. Labels: wingUpdate |
Got a lot of head detail in and will start moving toward the body and arms next, probably doing a lot of digging and replacement. Labels: wingUpdate |
It's been more than a decade since starting the wing gundam mesh, but I figure a refresh would be in order considering the other units were more recently done. Starting with the head parts to see where I can break them down and give a bit more detail than was previously there. Labels: wingUpdate |
This last unit is getting pretty close to done. I think the side-skirt armor is supposed to be more elongated and bulbous but otherwise it's not too far away from where it kinda-sorta looks like it's supposed to be. and a small attempt at a group shot with Sandrock. I have kind of an idea of what I want to do with this, but I'm not sure how long it will take. |
I think placement in general is ok, but need to get past the blocked out extra bits for this variant. Labels: maganac |
It feels like a lot of these variants are so similar even in variation that it's not too bad to derive some basic structure from just the base Maganac. Not to say that this is exact. Going at the next one's shoulder armor. Labels: maganac |
This is most of the changes needed for another commander unit. Trying to see what has to be done for the other 2 remaining units. Forgot the leg vents though. Labels: maganac |
The shoulder parts feel familiar so started with these. The extra long arm build is what I'm most interested in with this variant. Labels: maganac |
I think this makes most of the shoulder armor, but some detail I forgot in the base version still needs to be added. Labels: maganac |
Working on some changes to update to one oft he commander types. I"m under the impression that it's the Rashid version, but I'm not solid on it. Working mostly on backpack first. Labels: maganac |
Added a few updates to the shoulder armor and trying to vary the units. I haven't figured out how to get the commander units just yet. Labels: maganac |
Working on one of the rifles that seems to be part of the mobile suits armament. There seem to be a few more, but I'll have to dive in on what the roles of those are. Labels: maganac |
Looking through some examples, it looks like except for some "custom" Maganac units, most are slightly randomized other parts of shoulder guards, chest pieces and armament. Some look easy enough to carve out of the meshes but others I may not be able to create. Labels: maganac |
I'm not all that sure about the shield specifics but it should be kinda there. Fashioned the axe from a bit of the Sandrock shotel and went from there. Still thinking of the right direction. Labels: maganac |
I suppose the good news with the shield is that it so similarly resembles the Sandrock's armadillo unit version -- with some additions. Otherwise, just getting some starter geometry in.
Labels: maganac |
I'm not really sure I like the legs at the moment. I think they're probably good placeholders, but the contour looks like it's not quite there. I'll see about getting back to them after moving on a bit. Labels: maganac |
I find it interesting that unlike the Xamel, Katoki didn't wrap the Maganac joints in the same kind of protective wrap. Labels: maganac |