24 September, 2023

Deathscythe: Leg

Feels like I've been working on these legs for ages and still haven't hit the mark. Will make some updates on detail.
mobile suit report gundam wing aries tallgeese leo deathscythe kai custom katoki virgo 3dmobile suit report gundam wing aries tallgeese leo deathscythe kai custom katoki virgo 3d


Comments on "Deathscythe: Leg"


Blogger Jordan S P said ... (Sep 28, 2023, 12:47:00 PM) : 

Honestly , I've been going through your blog for the past 15 year + and everytime I'm amazed how well you're making these. The attention to details and the accuracy in respect of each mobile suit design is astounding. Even when I look at the first few you made when you start that's when I realise now that I'm older that you were really ahead of your time ! Keep up the good job !


Blogger sandrum said ... (Sep 30, 2023, 8:35:00 AM) : 

I've fallen very far behind nowadays. I'm looking at alternative packages for this hobby, but I see also that maybe there are issues with the old meshes that can be improved. I suppose there's always the opportunity for that but thanks for the comments!


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