07 February, 2007

HD: Failure: Alleviated

Hard Drive 1 crashed this morning. Have to restore everything. Will definately take the day to restore.

EDIT: Nevermind. Replaced the defective drive with the already mounted 2nd drive over lunch. It seems that the 2nd drive will do fine as a replacement. Need to buy 1 extra drive to copy what's on the replacement drive and copy what work I've backed up on the external to the replacement.

Just as sort of a note: The work so far done has been backed up in multiple places in the following forms...

  1. External 120GB HD (USB2) - Noncompressed. No encryption. Stored as is. Stored after every project step. (the most up-to-date backup).
  2. Sony HI-MiniDisc Drive - Compressed. Each project on 1 standard MD Disc (300MBper disc - 256bit Encryption). Stored after completion of 1 project.
  3. DVD-RW Drive - Appx 4.3GB about 10 -15 projects per disc. Compressed. 256bit encryption before writing to disc. Stored after completion of at least 10 projects. (the least up-to-date).
  4. CD-RW Drive - Appx 700MB per disc. 1 - 2 projects per disc. Compressed. 256 bit Encryption before writing to disc. Stored every 2 projects.
  5. External Network Storage Service - per project compression. 256bit encrytion before transmission. 128bit encrytion on top during transmission. Stored after completion of 1 project.
  6. External Network Storage Service 2 - per project compression. 256bit encrytion before transmission. 128bit encrytion on top during transmission. Stored after completion of 1 project.
Redundancy is an asset.


Comments on "HD: Failure: Alleviated"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Feb 7, 2007, 5:27:00 PM) : 

Oh jesus I hope you havn't lost anything... You have done so much high quality work! Good luck with the restoration.


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