The Anaheim Machines Project is an effort to reproduce
in 3D various parts of
the Gundam multiverse. The primary
of this web log is to outline the progress of the project. The 3D software
used for the creation of the meshes will be
Lightwave 3D (version 8.5 - 2019). Secondary
software (Photoshop, etc) may be used as needed.
Kidmesh! Hey, thanks for coming by!! I'm still working on the technique as I haven't had the chance to get on any Master Grade models, but hopefully I can pull something off with these Gundams that I already have. I plan on animating them soon (within my planned timetable), but it's not prooving an easy task with LW. :(
Rigging isn't so bad anymore. It used to make me breathe a really deep sigh when I'd get to the fingers and what not. Right now I'm trying to get something decent with just scenes so that it would be set up well for the animation... of's just the "plan" for now. I'm also trying to get used to Layout again. I swear they moved a lot of the buttons in 8.3. Plus, I have to put it on hold since my significant other is coming to visit soon.
I just got the new earth textures, so I feel better about that at least :D. Also that LW doesn't crash when I use them, being so large in size and all.
Comments on "Modelling is over for now..."
Kidmesh! Hey, thanks for coming by!! I'm still working on the technique as I haven't had the chance to get on any Master Grade models, but hopefully I can pull something off with these Gundams that I already have. I plan on animating them soon (within my planned timetable), but it's not prooving an easy task with LW. :(
Rigging isn't so bad anymore. It used to make me breathe a really deep sigh when I'd get to the fingers and what not. Right now I'm trying to get something decent with just scenes so that it would be set up well for the animation... of's just the "plan" for now. I'm also trying to get used to Layout again. I swear they moved a lot of the buttons in 8.3. Plus, I have to put it on hold since my significant other is coming to visit soon.
I just got the new earth textures, so I feel better about that at least :D. Also that LW doesn't crash when I use them, being so large in size and all.